When you walk into your workplace each day, do you look forward to working with your team? Sharing all the new ideas you’ve got in your head since the previous day? And giving the best you can? This is what is employee engagement.

Although it’s a term mostly used by HR personnel, managers and team leaders need to personally focus on this more, since their actions will directly impact how engaged the employees are.

What is Employee Engagement to employees?

If you’re an engaged Employee, this is how you feel. You wake up in the morning feeling great about going to work, and you know what you’re going to do. Of course, some days it’s difficult to get out of bed and out of the house. But if you’re engaged, you won’t be feeling miserable for too long after you’ve left the house.

You understand your role in the organization and are excited about how you can contribute to the company’s goals. You feel pride in being a part of your team, feel free to communicate with your teammates and managers. Your efforts are appreciated, and you can discuss and resolve any issues that crop up. Not all of these conditions may be satisfied, but you love your job to work through any shortcomings. Your job to you is more than simply going from one paycheck to the next.

What is Employee Engagement to Employers?

If you’re a Manager or Employer, employee engagement to you means creating an environment that’s conducive to learning and progress. Your employees feel free to talk to you about anything at the workplace, and to share their reservations. You not only welcome their feedback, but also take it seriously enough to look for room for improvement.

Employee engagement is keeping your employees motivated enough so employee turnover, sick leaves, and grievances reduce, while productivity increases. Your employees try to keep up their commitment to work as much as possible. And honestly explain why they couldn’t on instances that they failed to do so.

You encourage innovation, and not just get people to agree with you. Your job as a manager is much more than the textbook definition of ‘getting things done’. You get your team to ask the right questions, challenge themselves and put in their best, without creating undue stress. And give your team complete ownership of their roles.

How do I achieve this?

If you’re in a leadership position, it is up to you to make sure that your team feels connected to their role.

Companies that have an engaged workforce report 33% higher revenues than the ones that focus less on Employee Engagement.

Outbound training can help contribute to this in an incomparable way. (Here’s How) Taking your team out for a fun trip, and throwing in a few team games, can do wonders for your and their inter-personal equation. Plus it can also be a fun way to take their minds off of work and de-stress for a while. They’ll be returning back to the office with renewed zeal and also a few lessons on teamwork and motivation.

We’ve got a host of Outbound Programs to help you keep up your team’s morale and motivate them to be in top shape at work. We’ve tied up with training facilitators who will create and develop outbound training programs, tailor-made to suit your needs, whatever they may be.

Also, read:

  1. Trekking and Employee Engagement
  2. How to plan an Outbound Training Program
  3. Team Building activities in the office

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