Wake up in the morning. Check your phone for texts. Skip breakfast because you’re getting late for work or college. Meet the same people, attend the same lectures, work at the same desk, get stuck in traffic on your way back home, sleep and get ready to do the whole thing all over again.

stress-blog-infographicIt is a prevalent attitude among many, that work comes first. It’s of high priority and trumps family, friends and even personal well-being. Many individuals sacrifice their fitness for the sake of the job and this often leads to tragic consequences. With stress among employees rising over the years, fitness and personal well-being have taken a backseat in their priority lists.

Another reason why many do not exercise is because going to the gym after a hard day’s work just adds to the monotony.  Exposure to high levels of stress eventually manifests itself both physically and psychologically. With many people suffering from chest pain, headache, fatigue and sleep problems. The psychological effects of stress are even scarier driving many to extreme levels of clinical depression. According to WHO, India is one of the most depressed countries in the world with a whopping 36% of Indians likely to suffer from major depression at some point in their lives.


Break the Monotony with a Dash of Adventure Sports

At first adventure sports seems counter-intuitive at most to some when it comes to relieving stress, especially if you are not used to taking part in these kinds of activities. Contrary to popular belief taking part in a high-pressure adventure sport  does not increase anxiety and stress. In fact, it helps you hone the required skills to cope with stress.

Adventure sports are one of the most effective remedies for releasing stress. It creates an outlet for you to relieve yourself of all the pent up stress, making you feel calmer and revitalised. While stress is often associated with depression and negativity, adventure sports is associated with euphoria, energy and excitement. These types of sports enhance your mood and help you get into a positive state of mind. After you take part in any adventure related activity it gives you a sense of accomplishment and this, in turn, makes you more confident.StressParticipating in adventure sports can quite literally turn that frown upside down. Once you go through the high-pressure situations of the sport, your brain starts producing Dopamine, which is the chemical that keeps you happy. Besides the psychological benefits, these adventure sports also helps you keep physically fit. Most adventure sports require you to use all or most of your muscles, eventually toning them in the process and leaving you less subjected to the wear and tear that advances with age.

One of the most prominent parts of the human anatomy affected by stress is the heart. Most heart- related ailment usually stem due to stress. One of the biggest benefits of adventure sports is that it take you one step closer to having a healthier heart. Studies show that those who take regular vacation breaks and indulge in adventure related activities are less prone to suffering a heart attack because you reduce stress and anxiety , which in turn  reduces your blood pressure levels.

So this vacation, turn off your gadgets, pack a bag, grab a few friends and head out on an adrenaline pumping adventure into the great outdoors.

He dons many hats. Professionally committing towards marketing, operations, product management, and business strategy skills while also being a hands-on scuba diving instructor. He approaches each problem with a leveled mind of an optimist. His taste in music and food is very specific and he enjoys a healthy work-life balance.