Employee Motivation is no longer tied to just monetary rewards. So when it comes to creating Rewards and Recognition programs, managers must carefully choose the incentives they bring in. As a manager, you need to show your employees that you fully care about their progress.

Here are some unique ideas to boost your team’s morale:

Team Lunch and Events

Host team events and Outbound trips, not just with the team but invite the CEO/Senior Management over too. Especially if you’re part of a large organization with a lot of management levels, your team might love to bond with mentors and senior managers in an informal setting.

If you’re currently planning an Outbound Trip, here are the things you should keep in mind.

Master Class

This is another way to put employees in touch with senior managers. And can also be mutually beneficial. Get the HOD of a vertical to hold a Masterclass for the younger employees in his vertical, in which he or she could share their professional experiences and tips.

In turn, the speaker could also benefit from interacting with the junior employees, understanding their train of thought and could get some fresh perspective.

Family Day

Conduct ‘Bring your Family to Work’ days where team members are invited to bring along their families/spouses over for a fun day at work. Getting employees to bond with each other and their families can help them de-stress. This is a great way to show interest in not just your team’s professional lives, but extend consideration to personal aspects of their life as well.

Make sure to keep the rules for this flexible- employees may bring along anyone they consider family.


rewards and recognition

Get developers and non-developers to pair up and host a Hackathon. This can be useful even if your product is not a digital one. It can break the monotony of routine and encourage innovation in teams. Moreover, employees in non-technical roles can benefit from viewing the product from the developers’ angle and vice-versa.

Rotating Trophies

Have a rotating trophy that goes to the best performer every month or quarter, of each team or vertical. Make sure to also include the efforts of employees who are not in sales/ marketing or target driven roles. You can design different performance metrics for employees in support functions. And try to consider not just actual results but earnest efforts as well.

Customized Experiences

Looking for an interesting addition to your Rewards and Recognition program? How about gifting them an experience? Gifts like watches, and `cups are forgotten about, but they’ll definitely remember a customized experience. Advensure Coupons will let you just do that, gift them a customized coupon for trying an Adventure, and it could be anything that fascinates them. Plus the coupons have absolutely no expiry date!

An Adventure will give them the opportunity to de-stress and make for some interesting conversations at the office too!

Rewards and recognitions

And if you’ve already decided on having a team outing, you can check out our Corporate Packages.

Content Manager at Advensure.io